Parent/Guardian 1

Knowing that every child, when given the opportunity, can rise to the academic challenge put before them, CaST School is built upon the assumption that your child will succeed here because they are meant to succeed in their lives, and because your child, like all children, is extraordinary.
Living as we are within an energizing global city, we use its many spaces as our classroom, learning experientially from the vibrant community and institutions that make Toronto home. Art museums, university lecture halls and libraries, community centers and parks hold avenues for learning and thinking critically, and infuse our lessons, which are firmly anchored in the Ontario Ministry of Education grades 9-12 curriculum. This is the special substance which distinguishes us from other secondary school institutions. We aim to engage fully with local cultures and places and to know them as we come to know ourselves. We are a school that values diversity in educational attainment, philosophy, culture and understanding. Diverse, too, are our methods for acquiring knowledge.
The world is our school and Toronto our classroom.
Come join us in experiencing it!